Avoid Moving Day Pitfalls

There are ample ways to make your moving day disastrous; however, there are just as many tricks to make your moving day triumphant.  Something that many people don’t realize is that the process of moving is not inherently hectic, it only becomes frenzied when certain steps of the moving process are improperly executed.

The first thing our movers will mention is preparation over procrastination; if there is ever a time not to procrastinate, this is it.  The longer you wait to start the planning and the packing, the more stressful the moving day will become because packing will most likely be somewhat unorganized and rushed, or you may not have the right packing materials, and you may simply run out of time and end up having to pay extra for the movers to work longer than expected.  You should also buy more boxes than you think you need; it’s almost inevitable that you will need more boxes than you bargained for.  An aphorism to live by: it’s always better to have too much, than not enough.

Start early by making a list of your responsibilities as someone moving, like remembering to pick up a change of address form, making a master inventory list of the items in each room and the type of packing those items require, and making a list of people to notify of your move.  No one wants to be left on a moving day still having to call the cable, internet, phone, and whatever other providers to cancel the utilities.  Also, try to schedule the movers as early as possible on a moving day.  This way you will have plenty of sunlight and not feel rushed to move because the day is going by too quickly. Get a moving checklist from High Touch Moving.

This may be the most important rule, LABEL, LABEL, and LABEL!  You really must label all of your boxes with what’s inside them, what room they belong in, and whether or not they are fragile.  Moving day could be a shattered day if you don’t properly label the china box and accidentally treat it as if it were filled with pots and pans.  On a moving day, the new house could turn into a confusing traffic jam for the movers if each room and box are not labeled accordingly.  Each room in the new location should be labeled as well; this way if the box and room are labeled the movers will know exactly where to place each box and they won’t have to perpetually ask you where each load belongs.

Double-check everything before you leave the old location.  You may be a bit stretched on moving day essentials, running back and forth between the movers, and you simply don’t want to forget anything.  Once all the items are in the truck, but before you hand the keys over to your old landlord, do one last walk-through.  Check everything to make sure there is nothing that you’ve somehow forgotten.

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